"Men of faith are called upon to activate the vital role of religion in the social fabric to counteract the state of anomie, and the anarchism of the State, its institutions and the manipulated masses."
"Positive secularism should be based upon respect, and shun both fundamentalism and disintegration."
"The self-centred conscience and materialistic values are alien to Islam. We Muslims have a great deal to contribute to humanity in the grand project of building a better world for our children and grandchildren."
"Books set us free. The honest intellectual should take part in the betterment of society and help to overcome unbending conservatism. It is no longer the time of the tribal chief or the Westernised secularist, but of the educated citizen and the thinker."
"Social harmony and public safety cannot be achieved by isolating others, but by recognition of their religious and cultural identity through solidarity with their legitimate demands, in order to integrate and coexist with them."
"Nationalism – the imposition of a collective identity on a whole body politic – is archaic thinking and also impossible to implement, given the diversity of national ethnicities in every country in the world."
"Islam seeks the common good and this is not achieved without the rule of law, which guarantees all fellow citizens equality before the law, without distinction between ethnicity, gender, colour or religion."
"Theocratic governments are contrary to the spirit of Islam. Islam demands a civil regime based on the recognition of merit and separation of powers. By imperative of the Sharia, there has never been – nor ever shall be – a theocracy."
"Islam is not only a religious and moral mandate, but a social one as well. Its ethical and moral code requires all of us Muslims to ensure that justice, the distribution of wealth and equal opportunities prevail in our society."
"We must look to the future with greater interest than to the past. Dialogue between faith and universal culture will help liberate Muslim societies in certain geographical areas steeped in the subculture of the past."
"We should not confuse the unequivocal and categorical part of the Islamic Message – which is immutable – with courses of action determined in the past, taken out of context and subject to varying interpretations."
"For Muslims, getting to know and understand someone who is ‘different’ is a doctrinal duty, for that ‘different’ person is one’s neighbour, one’s fellow citizen, who will always have something to say. Islam compels us to follow the path of dialogue for proper mutual awareness."
"Enlightened Islam does not admit unconditional minions, but free men. It advocates against ‘guru-centrism’, an illegitimate artifice aimed at turning the doctrinal vision of a school of thought into a legal standard of universal validity."
"The work of the institutions should be geared to adapting the outsider’s thought, emotion, attitude and behaviour to what is morally acceptable to the milieu. It is a kind of adjustment, a change designed to work better in a new situation."
"Many discrepancies are caused by fallacies, misleading arguments that do not stem from malice, but from an error of reasoning. The Koran teaches us to live together through a healthy, polite, unprejudiced and multidirectional dialogue, without labelling or demonising."
"Islam encourages us to hold a sincere, objective and honest dialogue in order to seek the truth. An eristic attitude is alien to the spirit and practice of the Islamic message."
"We Muslims are called to respect and to pluralism, for that is a directive of Islam. The Muslim who does not respect his neighbour’s freedom to believe and express his faith commits an offense and a mortal sin."
"The variety of faiths is divine will: ‘To every one of you We have appointed a right way and an open road. If God had willed, He would have made you one nation; but that He may try you in what has come to you. So be you forward in good works; unto God shall you return, all together; and He will tell you of that whereon you were at variance.’ (5:48)"
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Special Tribute Program
"Men of faith are called upon to activate the vital role of religion in the social fabric to counteract the state of anomie, and the anarchism of the State, its institutions and the manipulated masses."
"Positive secularism should be based upon respect, and shun both fundamentalism and disintegration."
"The self-centred conscience and materialistic values are alien to Islam. We Muslims have a great deal to contribute to humanity in the grand project of building a better world for our children and grandchildren."
"Books set us free. The honest intellectual should take part in the betterment of society and help to overcome unbending conservatism. It is no longer the time of the tribal chief or the Westernised secularist, but of the educated citizen and the thinker."
"Social harmony and public safety cannot be achieved by isolating others, but by recognition of their religious and cultural identity through solidarity with their legitimate demands, in order to integrate and coexist with them."
"Nationalism – the imposition of a collective identity on a whole body politic – is archaic thinking and also impossible to implement, given the diversity of national ethnicities in every country in the world."
"Islam seeks the common good and this is not achieved without the rule of law, which guarantees all fellow citizens equality before the law, without distinction between ethnicity, gender, colour or religion."
"Theocratic governments are contrary to the spirit of Islam. Islam demands a civil regime based on the recognition of merit and separation of powers. By imperative of the Sharia, there has never been – nor ever shall be – a theocracy."
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"Islam is not only a religious and moral mandate, but a social one as well. Its ethical and moral code requires all of us Muslims to ensure that justice, the distribution of wealth and equal opportunities prevail in our society."
"We must look to the future with greater interest than to the past. Dialogue between faith and universal culture will help liberate Muslim societies in certain geographical areas steeped in the subculture of the past."
"We should not confuse the unequivocal and categorical part of the Islamic Message – which is immutable – with courses of action determined in the past, taken out of context and subject to varying interpretations."
"For Muslims, getting to know and understand someone who is ‘different’ is a doctrinal duty, for that ‘different’ person is one’s neighbour, one’s fellow citizen, who will always have something to say. Islam compels us to follow the path of dialogue for proper mutual awareness."
"Enlightened Islam does not admit unconditional minions, but free men. It advocates against ‘guru-centrism’, an illegitimate artifice aimed at turning the doctrinal vision of a school of thought into a legal standard of universal validity."
"The work of the institutions should be geared to adapting the outsider’s thought, emotion, attitude and behaviour to what is morally acceptable to the milieu. It is a kind of adjustment, a change designed to work better in a new situation."
"Islam encourages us to hold a sincere, objective and honest dialogue in order to seek the truth. An eristic attitude is alien to the spirit and practice of the Islamic message."
"We Muslims are called to respect and to pluralism, for that is a directive of Islam. The Muslim who does not respect his neighbour’s freedom to believe and express his faith commits an offense and a mortal sin."
Clarify to Understand
"The variety of faiths is divine will: ‘To every one of you We have appointed a right way and an open road. If God had willed, He would have made you one nation; but that He may try you in what has come to you. So be you forward in good works; unto God shall you return, all together; and He will tell you of that whereon you were at variance.’ (5:48)"
The main objective of the Dr Bahige Mulla Huech Foundation is to forge ties of understanding between Islam and the West, as mutual comprehension and respect are the best guarantors of a harmonious, enriching coexistence, an imperative in the globalised world we live in.
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